Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Intro to Argumentation

Teaching argumentation is HARD!!!!!! Although all teenagers are masters at it, it's hard to explain how to organize their arguing using the terms outlined in the Common Core. I've read textbooks, theories, websites, searched for anchor charts, etc. and finally think I've got a handle on the basics. I decided they needed to have basic reference pages in their Interactive Notebooks for this and then we'll build on it from there.

The easiest way for me to present it to them was to create a PowerPoint presentation. Unfortunately, I can't get it to move into Google Presentations so I've just saved it as a PDF for viewing on the web.

As I showed the PowerPoint, I had them draw pages in their Interactive Notebooks.

This is just the beginning!!


  1. Well Mrs. Denson, That is a really great job that you did for Students. According to my experience, i have also seen too many teenager students doing arguments with Teachers and when i was in college, it went far beyond that. At college, students also used to say some obscene words for the teachers and professors which is really a shame for them.

  2. Thank you for your comment!! I hope it doesn't help them become better "arguers" with parents and teachers! ;)

  3. Mrs. Denson,
    Thank you so much for your many wonderful posts! I'm doing a mid-year transition into a 9th grade English position at my school (I work with juniors and seniors now), and I'm thinking of trying Interactive Notebooks. However, I'm struggling with how the logistics work. We only have 60-minute class periods-- is there enough time for them to glue in their handouts to the Notebooks? How much time does that take each day? I'm worried some students won't be able to do this procedure efficiently and it will waste time.

    1. Mallory--Thanks for your kind words! I have really enjoyed using these notebooks with my students; they like them too!! :) I only have 45-minute class periods and almost all of the pages (or groups of pages) take one class period or less. I have everything ready for them to cut out, glue in, color, etc. and they work hard on them. I've told them neatness counts so they pay attention to detail. Periodically, I'll do a notebook check to make sure they're doing them correctly. It's worked so far!! Let me know if you have any other questions. Michelle

  4. Mrs. Denson,
    Do you have a copy of your Writer's Notebook pages? I also implement a WN into my 8th grade English class. I would love to trade pages if you were interested! Like you, the Middle School Mouth inspired me to use interactive notebooks. I love them so much; my students think I am a bit weird because I get so excited about them. My email is if you would like to email me. Thank you!

  5. I love these pages! Do you happen to have a PDF of the first page (the one with the comic across the top)?

  6. Wow! You have done a great job with these IN pages. Is it possible for me to get a copy? You can email me at Thank you!
